
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Chris Creating a Game

This activity is about our planning to make a side scrolling game. I am working on creating some more characters for my game.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Chris of Yr 5 & 6 Camp Recount Term 1 2015

p1) Did you know on Wednesday year 5 and 6 had camp we all went to the hall and sat in our team line we had too leaders in one team it has to be boy and girl my team the commitments our leaders was Judah and Talita then Mr Burt did a pray for as to be great at camp and be great to the parent helpers the first activity we did was corn fritters with miss tito and mrs fire saffron fist she put oil in the pan and we grabbed flour and baking powder and a egg cracked the egg in with the flour and baking powder and mix make it yellow  put it in the pan there has to be bubbles under the corn fritter then golden brown both sides and
put any sauce on taste great.

After that we went kayaking Mr Burt had some rules no fake drowning or mr maloi will tell us of it was cool Mr maloi sometimes he makes our boat rock sometimes i fall out of the kayak, when he rocks it and after that it was lunch time we chose pizza bread or ham role
it was yum then we went to the pools had a swim and a shower then go put our clothes in our tent and we did some free time then dinner after dinner we had movie named lego movie.

In the morning we did jump jam sometimes we do just dance then we have breakfast and then for a couple of minutes we went to the mangery pools as soon as we got there we sat on our team line first we had some boundaries then we had morning tea then we got to go in the pools it was cold and we got to go on the slide it was so fast i did a big splash then we went to the deep pool only if we can swim then we got to go in bombing pool we only did seven jumps it was cool then.


We had to go back to school so we meet out of the pools, and pack up and go on the bus then we arrived back to school at three o'clock but we had a little talk with mr burt and he did a pray then we went home.